Materials: Vegetable tanned leather and stainless steel heel
Beigefoldedshoe is made from a single piece of folded leather and stainless steel heel construction. 

Materials: Stainless steel and leather
The MARLOESTENBHÖMER™ leather-mâché technique is a leather laminating technique, which abolishes the use of a shoe upper pattern and allows for a varied wall thickness of the shoe. Redmâchéshoe uses rather big sheets of leather, defining the heel and abstracting the toe. The heel is a reinforced sheet of leather, attached to the side of the shoe curving down underneath the heel of the foot.

I went through Drapers and Footwear News by Conde Nast, apparently they are more focused on continually giving awards to Footwear designers who are already Rich and Famous...Let's think of the selective few designers who are trying to really create something new and change the way we perceive shoe design. While it was wonderful to award the shoe designers who are legends, I think These powerful sources should really invest in the new up and coming designers in the footwear industry... (I.E graduating masters students who have invested their entire educational career in trying to enhance the footwear market through more innovative & creative avenues)
That being said:
Linking what you see? You can thank MARLOESTENBHÖMER™
I honestly spend hours surfing the web, looking for creative 'non commerical' shoes that can truly make you say," Wow, Who the F*** make those??" This is as unique as it gets. Marloes really is pushing shoe making out of its traditional roots and merging  fabrication techniques we would never even dream of incorporating with footwear construction. I really admire people like Marloes, who do not create to be commercial and receive the instant gratification from someones else's purchase. She is what I would call, 'A designers, Designer'. 
Take a closer look at the construction and techniques she uses. Combing Stainless steel with leather by using mâché-like laminating technique.

Visually stunning. Definitely Katchi approved. 

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